Embodied Languages

In the wake of the Welcome Back issue, as we started plotting a celebratory Black body and fashion focused edition, an uber-famous and influential individual—who shall not be named—went into ignorance overdrive. Kitted out with White Lives Matter t-shirts and seemingly bottomless wells of misogynoir and anti-semitism, this famous clown seemingly sucked up all the oxygen; it felt like everyone was talking about him. And frankly, it kind of salted our vibe. So, we pivoted a little bit and ended up here, with this, Gangalee's Embodied Language issue. Featuring contributions from Todd Simmons (Obeah for the Un…) and Jadyn Hardie-Bardy (Bloody Hands) and moi (Embodied Language) that examine different facets of the ongoing negotiations that Black bodies undertake within inhospitable spaces, this issue combines spoken word poetry, sound collage and personal essay. We really dig this work. We’re proud of what our contributors have offered. Let us know what you think.
from the Editor